
Saturday, April 11, 2009


What a crazy day. It's only half over and I am exhausted. We had a fun easter egg hunt at Aunt Elyse and Uncle Mike's house. The kids had a blast hunting for eggs and then of course eating way too much candy. (thanks Elyse:)) Then we had softball at 2 for Charity, oh and Russell had a meeting at church, also at 2 until 5:30. So I'm flying solo. O.k. back to softball practice. I got lost on the way, made my poor daughter 25 minutes late. :( Felt bad about that, I hate making my kids late to stuff. Then I am standing there watching Charity practice and Peter decides to dirty his diaper. Of course I bring him to the car right away to change him because he has been pooping through everything lately and guess what???? He pooped through anyways!!! My extra outfit for him isn't in the bag so I decide to run home to change him and this is where the real fun begins. My car won't start!!!! :( I did good--I didn't get mad. I actually stayed calm. I called my husband to tell him what was going on, my mom to catch a ride, and my poor, sweet brother to tell him we'll need some work done on the car. (Gotta love Derek's talents) So I am finally home feeding the baby and "chillaxin" for a minute before things get crazy again. I have to say it could be worse so I am grateful to be me. :) Even if it's a crazy life it's mine and I love it. On a side note I am especially grateful for my awesome family members that bail me out when I need it most. Love you guys!!

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