
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I could go crazy!

I am in the process of remodeling our dining/school room and let me tell you I feel like I could lose my mind. Trying to mud (which I totally stink at), scrape the ceiling and keeping the mess contained to that one room is enough to make anyone go mad but throw in my 6 kids constantly saying: MOM I NEED THIS, MOM THE BABY IS CRYING (that one really gets me because I'm thinking do you think I am deaf), MOM I'M HUNGRY (even though we ate 10 minutes earlier), MOM SO AND SO HIT ME, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH......Yes it is fun being a mom, but not so much being a remodeler. I will post some pics tonight of the before of my room that way you can see all the progress I have made when I post the after pic. Guess I better get the baby before one of my sweeties tell me he is crying! :)

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