
Monday, July 27, 2009

Taggies Tutorial

Taggies Tutorial
10" square of cotton fabric
11" square of minky or any super soft fabric
11" square of anything crinkly such as baby wipes packaging, twizzlers package (anything that will make lots of crinkly noises)
ribbon and ric rac scraps cut in 2-4" lengths

Cut your cotton fabric into a 10" square. Cut your minky into an 11" square and your crinkly stuff into an 11" square.
Sew your wrapper to the minky as pictured above. I use a longer stitch than normal; also make sure you sew with the minky underneath so that it is the part touching the machine.
You will now want to applique on your cotton fabric if you are going to. I cheated and used my embroidery machine to embroider a name on mine.

Take your cut ribbon and ric rac and pin it to your cotton fabric.

Baste your ribbon onto the fabric.

Now you want to pin the cotton fabric with the ribbon attached to the minky fabric with right sides together.

Sew these together with the crinkly stuff on the bottom; trust me it is just easier to sew this way. Leave an opening to turn it right side out.

Turn right side out and pin the opening.

Sew the opening closed and continue around the whole taggies with about a 1/4" seam.
At this point I ironed mine and almost ruined it because I had my iron on a very hot setting and it was starting to melt my twizzler packaging that was inside; so make sure your iron is not too hot if you are going to iron it.
That's it you have a super cute gift or toy for your baby!
As always feel free to ask questions!! :)


  1. Super cute Brandi! I love the fabric and colors you chose too. My babies would have just loved this.

  2. I find the minky fabrics and other super soft/super stretchy fabrics hard to sew with and they are SUPER MESSY = fuzz everywhere. any suggestions? i have a hard time with how much stretch they have and when i sew them my fabric is bunched. HELP PLEASE!

  3. Angela~I can honestly say I am with you on sewing the minky fabric and other soft/stretchy ones. As you noticed I was sewing something small with it. I have been sewing for over 10 years and don't have an issue sewing most things but the minky was a lttle tricky. There are a couple things that helped me and that was making sure that you have the minky facing the feed dogs on your machine and pinning it to death. My machine is a Pfaff and has a walking foot built in and I know that that helps too. If your machine doesn't have one built in they sell the attachments. Sorry, I don't have a magic answer for you. Let me know if that helps or you figure out something else. :) Happy crafting!!
