
Saturday, January 2, 2010


Let me start off by saying Happy New Year!!! I am seriously behind on blogging. We've had two birthdays, a baptism, and Christmas and I haven't blogged about any of it. So hopefully I will be doing multiple posts over the next few days. I also have some exciting plans for crafting this year. I am going to be doing a different Christmas craft/organization thing each month so that I will be completely prepared next year and hopefully alleviate any stress the holidays can cause!! Not to say this year was bad, I just didn't get to do all the things that I wanted.

OK so this is going to be my first catch up....we had a beautiful white Christmas. Which means since it snowed and snowed and snowed I lost my hubby for a few days while he plowed and slept. But we made the best of it and still had a good time. We did our traditional fondue and gift exchange on Christmas eve and spent Christmas day at my in laws where we had a delicious lunch/dinner. We all had a great time!
My little girls in their new nightgowns!! Aren't they cute!! (I know it looks like Noel is trying to lift Gracie's nightie!!)
Here is my whole crew in their new pjs.
Christmas Eve with my siblings (well those that were in town) this is just a pic of all the girls plus Jason.
A pic of the sisters. I don't know why Sam isn't in the picture. She's almost as good as me at sneaking away. :)
All us adult girls.....well I guess we can't call Hope an adult yet.
There you have it.

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