
Friday, October 8, 2010

OOPS!! Tuesday Tutorial on Thursday! :)

Ruffled Baby legs...for arms!!!

I completely forgot to post my Tuesday Tutorial, so I am posting it today.

Sewing Machine ;)
Matching thread
Knee Socks
Scissors ;)
Step 1: Cut your socks right above the heel; as shown in picture.
Step 2: Take the unfinished edge of your sock and sew it on the very edge with a zigzag stitch that is REALLY close together (like you would sew an applique). I played around with how big I wanted my zigzag and ended up doing a 4.0 on my machine for the width. You can practice on the foot part that you cut off. As you sew it you want to stretch the sock in front of and back of the needle. This is what is going to give you a girly ruffled edge. Sew like this all the way around and you are finished!!

And here is my little model showing off her new funky "baby legs...for arms". If you can think of a catchy name let me know. **Yes, they are different than the ones I was sewing. They came in a two pack and the other ones weren't handy.


  1. What a cute idea! I'm going to have to try this. Thanks for the tutorial.
