
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Too long!

O.K. it's been way too long since I posted. Life has been crazy busy. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with LOTS of family. It was a total of 29 people and 15 of them were kids. It was chaotic but it really was a lot of fun. I have been trying to get all my Christmas decor. up, but for some reason it is taking me forever!!! I usually have it all up by the 2nd week of November, so I am a little behind. I will take some pics. when I am all done. I have a few favorites mainly my stockings, but I put up new garland on my stairs rails and I LOVE it!! Anyways, hopefully I can post a few crafts in the next couple weeks, but we'll see I am scheduled to get my brace put on this Wednesday (really exciting, I know!!) and then both my boys have birthdays at the beginning of December. O.K. enough randomness.

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