
Monday, April 18, 2011

The beach!

Part 3 of our Vacation

We finally got to the beach! The kids were excited and apprehensive. I told them about jellyfish and that kinda freaked them out. Of course, they were already scared they were gonna see a shark. We kept telling them sharks don't usually come close to the shore but, they were nervous anyways.

My beautiful sis. posing for me!

Christian wanted to be buried in the sand. All I could think was how the heck was I going to get all that sand out of his hair! Then Noel thought it would be fun. She didn't last as long as Christian though.All Grace wanted to do was build a sandcastle. She had bought a bucket back in Kansas and brought it all the way to California just to do make her castle. So that was the first thing she did when we got to the beach.

And here is Grace w/ her masterpiece. Might be small but, she was sure proud of it. Austin and Hope not sure if they want to go in or not. The water was freezing!!

Christian was a little daredevil. He really enjoyed "jumping" the waves.

We really enjoyed visiting the beach. I think my kids have all decided the beach is a pretty fun place to play! Charity told me she would have rather spent another day at the beach than going to Legoland!!

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