
Friday, April 15, 2011

We are back!!


Actually we have been back since Monday but, I have been wiped out!! We were trapped in the car for 13 hours on I-40 and that turned our trip home into a 48 hour car trip, woohoo!! So to say the least I was crabby, tired, and swollen. Everything is under control now. I am still tired but no longer puffy. Thank goodness I HATE the feeling of swollen feet. So, I thought I would post a few pics from the beginning of our trip. We went to Utah for the first leg and stayed at a hotel with an itty bitty pool but, the kids enjoyed it anyways.

My kids are daredevils. I hate arm floaties but, Peter practically drowns when he wears a life jacket and as you can see above he has no fear. He did this a couple times w/out his floaties on and didn't even cry!! He scares the heck out of me around water!

Yeah I know seriously ridiculous. We had way too many laptops w/ us. Our room was tiny but, we still fit all 10 of us in there.

Of course, Peter had to take a dryerase marker to the wall!

I plan on posting a Tuesday Tutorial next week for anyone who is interested!!

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