
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Looking through the mirror of time

This is a very random post but, when I took this picture this evening these were my thoughts. :)When I look at Austin holding Tyler it is as if I am looking at a 15 year old Austin and holding a 3 month old Austin. It's kind of weird but, really it's kind of neat!! This little guy looks just like his big brother (though Tyler's eyes are bigger). Austin finally got a mini him...Christian and Peter look exactly alike and not much like Austin at all. I heart my boys!!!

FYI: not a very good pic. the baby was fussy and not really in the mood for my little photo shoot! ;)

Austin is seriously the best big brother. I couldn't of hand picked a better brother for my little boys! He is so patient with Tyler when I need a moment or need to get things done. I really am blessed to have such a great son!

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