
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Can it be?!

16 years ago I gave birth to my first born. Oh man, where has time gone. I can't believe I have a young man that is 16. I realize his time with us is getting less each year and it makes me sad and happy...sad for me, happy for him to serve a mission, go to school, find a wife. You know all those wonderful things in life! I guess I am just feeling like he is growing up way to fast.

A few things about Austin...
His favorite colors are purple and black.
He still enjoys legos. (which I think is AWESOME!)
He is a great writer.
He is a very thoughtful person and I don't just mean he is kind but that he really

likes to think about things.

He has braces!

He loves to read, esp. the classics

He is seriously a great big brother.

He is also a wonderful son. He is always there to help me out when I need a helping hand. He seems to be able to sense when I am stressed and just jumps in to help lighten my load!

I am so grateful that Heavenly Father blessed my husband and I with such a wonderful son! We love you lots Austin!

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