
Thursday, January 26, 2012


Of course this picture is posed but, during prayer last night Peter had his little stuffed dog and cat next to him and in the middle of the prayer he turns his head to his animals and says "shhhh! Me praying." It was pretty cute and funny.
I love being a mom!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

My new love....

My husband rocks!!! This is what he
gave me for Christmas...the kitchenaid
has taken up residence in the basement!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Picture Frame Tutorial

Ok so this is kind of a lame tutorial. SUPER easy!!
picture frame (any size you want)
Scrap book paper to put in the frame
Scraps of 1" fabric strips various lengths (I usually use a minimum of 18")
Vinyl that says don't forget
Here goes...cut your scrapbook paper to fit inside your frame. Put in the frame (if you don't have access to vinyl go ahead and run it through your printer and print whatever you would like don't forget, to do list, prayer, whatever you are wanting to use the board for).
Roll your flowers. There are a million tutorials out there just google one, someday I may post one. Hot glue to your frame. If you are putting vinyl on you can do this now. You are done. I told you it was kind of lame...pretty much a no brainer! Oh yeah, you need a dry erase marker to fill up that baby with all the things you might forget! :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

I am a lame blogger!

My computer has something wrong with it....the dreaded blue screen! So, I have been getting to know the MAC my hubby gave me. I am not as comfortable with it as I was with my other computer but, I am figuring things out. So, hopefully I will be able to have some fun posts soon. I am going to continue the YW handouts as soon as I get PSE installed on my MAC and I have some fun tutorials coming up in the next month or so.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Peter's 3

We celebrated Peter's 3rd Birthday today...I know I always say this but, I can't believe 3 years have gone by already. Peter in a nutshell...
He loves and I mean LOVES trains!
He refers to himself as me. Usually he is saying "me loves this or me hates this"
For instance when I started making his train cake this morning apparently he didn't like the color I was using so he looks at the cake and then looks and me and says "me hate that". It's kinda funny. I have tried to help him say I and he just doesn't get it yet.
He is a boy of few words.
He loves to play with Christian.
He does not take naps or else he is SUPER GRUMPY!
He is a very sweet big brother.
I love it when he says "me love you mommy!" which he says often.
He is my little shadow.
He loves cookie dough. (yeah I am a bad person and let my kids eat cookie dough)
He is really a sweet little boy as long as you don't cross him!
We love you Peter and are so grateful that you are part of our family. You are definitely my sunshine! :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Gingerbread houses.

We did not have time to do gingerbread houses during the holidays so yesterday I decided it didn't matter that Christmas was over my kiddos love making these and I had all the stuff to do them so that is exactly what we did. Here are all there masterpieces.

Did I mention Chicken Pox?!?

Yeah, seriously! We had the weirdest case of the chicken pox. My little Noel broke out in a rash and the first thing I thought was Chicken Pox, but she received the vaccine so I thought no way. Brought her in to the Dr. and yup it was the chicken pox. Weird thing is they didn't itch! LUCKY, LUCKY girl!! I had the worst case when I was a kid.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Cute kid pics

My sister Hope did Noel's hair up in a hair bow...sooo cute!
Tyler giving us a big ole grin! My boys have spent a lot of time putting puzzles together. I love puzzles!

Some pics of our Christmas...

So here are a few pictures...blurry pictures because someone had the lens set to manual and of course we couldn't figure out why all the pictures were turning out blurry. (Obviously I figured it out AFTER the holidays) Oh well, blurry or not I thought I would share some of our festivities.

Putting out food for the reindeer.

The kids always sleep all together in the boys room.Christmas morning...did I mention we aren't really morning people.Peter found his new trike and he loves it!Charity got an acoustic guitar and starts lessons next week!!Austin, of course, received legos!We had church thus year so we got all gussied up! ;) Peter did not want his picture taken.Christmas at Nana and Grandads. We woke Peter up to take this pic...everyone was starting to crash.

Grace acting like she's a nutcracker...more like a little nutty! Love that girl!Peter was seriously wiped out!

We had a fabulous holiday season. I am so blessed to be surrounded by lots of family!

Young Women's Handout Manual 1 Lesson 2

This lesson was on the Savior and I just love the lyrics to the song I Stand All Amazed and so that is what I used for the design in the handout this week.

**Please let me know if you ever find any words spelled incorrectly or anything like that. PSE does not have spell check so I double check myself but obviously I am far from perfect! ;)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Young Women's Handout Lesson 1 Manual 1

I thought I would make some handouts to go along with the lessons in Young Womens this year. Here is the first one...better late than never.