
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Some pics of our Christmas...

So here are a few pictures...blurry pictures because someone had the lens set to manual and of course we couldn't figure out why all the pictures were turning out blurry. (Obviously I figured it out AFTER the holidays) Oh well, blurry or not I thought I would share some of our festivities.

Putting out food for the reindeer.

The kids always sleep all together in the boys room.Christmas morning...did I mention we aren't really morning people.Peter found his new trike and he loves it!Charity got an acoustic guitar and starts lessons next week!!Austin, of course, received legos!We had church thus year so we got all gussied up! ;) Peter did not want his picture taken.Christmas at Nana and Grandads. We woke Peter up to take this pic...everyone was starting to crash.

Grace acting like she's a nutcracker...more like a little nutty! Love that girl!Peter was seriously wiped out!

We had a fabulous holiday season. I am so blessed to be surrounded by lots of family!

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