
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Christian is 11 (in December that is!)

I really can't believe how fast time is flying by with my older children.  I feel like they are just toddling around one day and then you turn around and they are on the brink of teenage hood!! 

11 things about Christian:
1. He is a pretty serious kiddo. I wondered if this was just an age thing, but the older he gets I think not.  I do like this about him, most of the time! :)
2.  Christian loves anything electronic: WII, DS, MEEP, TV which means I have to be good about limiting it or his brain would turn to mush!!! ;)
3.  He loves legos.
4.  He comes into my room every night to tell me he loves me and gives me a hug! (seriously the best!!!)
5.  He really looks up to his older brother.
6.  He looooooves cheesecake! He has asked for a cheesecake every year for the past several years for his birthday cake.
7.  He loves to help others.
8.  He is sensitive.
9.  He is a great big brother to his younger brothers and sisters.
10.  Christian has a good sense of humor!
11. Christian loves to share his testimony of Jesus Christ and does it every testimony meeting we have at our church!

So grateful to have this kiddo in our lives.  He blesses us in so many ways!
Love you tons and tons Christian!


  1. No way! He was so little when I met you guys! I still remember him singing "I Will Follow God's Plan For Me," for Sister Bailey and I. What a stud!

    1. He is getting old! Almost a deacon, it blows my mind sometimes when I look at my little clan!!
