
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Austin's Graduating! (December 6)

My oldest child has graduated!   My first home schooled kiddo and he made it (of course we knew he would)!!  We had a fun little ceremony at the house where he performed a vocal musical number, we presented him with his diploma, both his grandmas shared a few words about him and then his father and I shared with him how proud we are of him for the amazing young man he has become.  I also admonished him to continue to learn and educate himself throughout his life!  Then we had the "fun" part...his open house.  It was a lot of fun. He had lots of people come and congratulate him!

We truly are very proud of Austin.  He has applied to BYU Provo and Idaho.  Hopefully we will find out if he is accepted here in the next couple months or so.  Austin is an amazing person.  He was not always the easiest kid to parent as he definitely thinks outside of the box which sometimes confounded us as parents.  But I love him just the way he is and wouldn't change a thing about him!  He plans to serve a mission for our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and then attend college.  The colleges he has chosen will defer for 2 years while he is out serving the Lord.  I am excited and scared all at the same time.  This is my first child all grown up and ready to leave home.  I don't know if I am ready!!! Sometimes I wish I could turn the clock back and slow things down a bit.  I can not believe that my baby is going to be out on his own.  I truly feel blessed that Lord put him in our family for us to learn from one another.    

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