
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Charity's 14 Birthday (August 22)

Our sweet Charity has turned into a lovely young lady.  
We are so proud of the young woman she is becoming.

14 things about Charity:
1. She is an amazing big sister. 
2.  She loves to read.
3.  She wants to join the military when she grows up.
4.  She finished her Personal Progress in 2013!
5.  She has beautiful hair halfway down her back.
6.  She has a compassionate heart.
7.  She is a good friend.
8.  She is an amazing daughter who is thoughtful of her parents.
9.  She has a servants heart.
10.  She wants to graduate early.
11.  She loves political stuff...(she didn't get that from me)
12. She adores her big brother. (she may not admit it but it's obvious)
13.  She is hilarious when we watch movies. She gets so into the movie you can't help but giggle with her or get startled when she screams!!!
14.  She is an amazing, beautiful daughter of God. 

We are so blessed to have had the privilege of raising our sweet Charity and are grateful we still have at least 4 more years with her!

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