
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Noel's 8th Birthday

Noel was baptized this year and it was an amazing day!! 
8 things about Noel...
1.  She is still my big helper!
2.  She has a tender heart and is a very sweet big sister.
3.  She wants to grow her hair out to her feet!
4.  She wants to go everywhere I go. She is my little shadow.
5.  Noel loves to do my hair and her own hair.
6.  She loves gymnastics.
7.  She has a servants heart.  She likes to serve those around her.
8.  She wants to be like Jesus and that is why she choose to get baptized.  She is such a blessing to our family and I feel truly blessed to have her as part of it. She has helped me to be a better mom these last 8 years! We love our NoelyJelly!

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