
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Do you ever feel like a dog chasing it's tail??

That is exactly how I feel today. I am trying to get my house cleaned and organized. It is so much easier to teach my children when we are in an orderly house. I am wondering if it is even possible. Every time I start to feel as if I have made progress they are busy trashing another room which then makes me angry! I have been trying very hard to be more laid back about things that just aren't worth getting mad over, but I can't stand having a messy unorganized house. Any ideas out there on how to keep a home clean and organized with 6 children. I keep thinking if they were in school I could get so much more done but I shouldn't even entertain these thoughts because it is not an option for our family. I feel very strongly that we are to continue homeschooling (even if it does make me a little crazy)! :) I am not suggesting that my house should look spotless at all hours of the day I just would like a little order.


  1. I know how you feel. Except I only have 3 kids! I am trying to get my house clean and organized to sell it. It is a horrible task. Good luck!

  2. I think I'm needing some luck or something...maybe just energy. I don't even have an excuse like pregnancy!:)

  3. Hi! I know just what you mean. It about makes me insane trying to conquer one mess after another. One thing that really helped me get organized was I learned her organization program, then turned into one that works for me. I always feel like i'm one step closer to clean now!
    Keep it up!

  4. Brandi,check out It is a blog posted by a lady who used to live in our ward. Although she does not have homeschooling on her plate, she always had a super-organized home when I was there. I wish I had her example when I was a young mother.

  5. Thanks for the website Brenda. I have been to it before maybe I should visit it again to get some inspiration.
