
Friday, August 21, 2009

I promise to post the scripture bag soon, but....

I made the scripture bag last night. I think it turned out pretty cute for my 2nd try. The first one ended up being to small for her quad. So it will go to one of my little girls for Christmas. This week is a little crazy. I am watching my dear friends son until Monday, which if you are reading this Charlee, he has been an angel so far, I promise!! :) I get to give a talk in church this Sunday, you noticed I put "get to", not "have to". I am trying to trick myself into thinking it is a good thing I get to give a talk. (It's not working very well though) Oh, and it's Charity's birthday on Saturday. Let's see anything else......a get together Saturday night at my bro.'s house because he is almost done with his 14 day leave from Iraq :( He has to go back for 10 months! And I still need to prepare my lesson for young womens. Oh my goodness I better go to bed and get some zzzzz's because I am so crabby when I don't get enough sleep. Sorry if you actually ended up reading this post! I had to put a pic. I swear posts look better with them even if it has nothing to do with anything. I am not sure why we are both sticking out our tongues~ not planned.

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