
Monday, October 9, 2017

Charity is 16 (August 22, 2015)

Ummmm what???!!!??? How in the world did that happen?
I swear I was just walking into the delivery room ready to have this girl!!

16 things about Charity
1.  If you know Charity well you know that her nickname is Char-bear...given to her from her PopPop
2.  Charity has a BEAUTIFUL singing voice.
3.  Charity can play the organ beautifully!
4.  Charity has amazing hair!  Which she likes to change the color of!
5.  Charity is an amazing big sister...She babies her little brothers, watches movies with them and snuggles with them whenever she gets the chance.
6.  Charity works hard on her Personal Progress and plans on earning lots of Honor bees!
7.  Charity has a special relationship with her brother Christian.
8.  Charity has grown close to her brother Austin while he has served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in South Korea.
9.  Charity loves music...especially concerts.
10.  Charity loves skinny's totally her thing!
11.  She loves politics.  Which I think surprises people, but she is really passionate about it.
12. She loves Ted Cruz ^^
13.  She loves Converse.  
14. Charity is a great daughter.  She always knows when I am stressed and how to help best and it is fun having an older daughter that I know I will get to be best friends with!!!
15. Charity LOVES the ROYALS!!
16.  She loves her Savior and shows it in her everyday actions!

Love you Char-bear!!

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