
Monday, October 9, 2017

Tyler is 4 (August 2, 2015)

Our little Ty-man is 4!!!

Why do babies have to grow up!?!?  I love watching our little Tyler and seeing this little boy that he is becoming!
 Tyler is not the easiest kid but boy to we love him.  
 4 things about our little Ty-man
1.  He is our pickiest kid when it comes to eating!!!!  I think he would prefer not to eat if that was an option...of course he likes anything junk food though!!
2.  He looooooooves his mom! Like he is stuck on to me like velcro!
3.  He is a sweet big brother to Joshua and he idolized his big brothers...especially Peter!
4.  He  loves trains!

Tyler is such a sweet boy and we are so happy to be his parents! 

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